Innovative rehabilitation
of musculoskeletal and neurological
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About MSK Neurology
Our services
MSK Neurology employs exclusive assessment and interventional strategies in the conservative treatment of numerous musculoskeletal and associated neurological disorders. We perform a distinctive physical examination, often supplemented by various imaging techniques such as ultrasonography, radiology, or fundoscopy, to reach the appropriate conclusion. The rehabilitative protocol prescribed is not time consuming, and is generally done in the comfort of your own home between each follow-up session.
Kjetil Larsen, the founder of MSK Neurology, has published several medical research papers1 explaining, in detail, the rationale behind his methods. Moreover, the very same methods are being taught to therapists and physicians internationally through his Objective Biomechanics course line. He is consistently writing new research with other, international researchers.

This is the way one should teach biomechanics. Kjetil invented completely new, science based and clinically proved protocols for many various conditions which were poorly treated until now, with his Objective Biomechanics seminars.
After 8 years with back pain and 3 disc herniations, it was Kjetil that turned out to be my lower back’s rescue, despite numerous visits to the doctor, chiropractor, physiotherapist as well as naprapaths!
Nothing has me helped so far and no one have been able to find good answers for my pain. That was before I came to MSK Neurology and Kjetil Larsen.
When I arrived at Kjetil’s clinic, his approach was completely different, and his level of knowledge was far superior to any health professional I had visited in the past.
A thorough review of your history and symptoms, along with any eventual medical imaging will be done initially. The more specific you can be about your symptoms and their triggers, the easier it is for us to know where to start looking. This, mainly, to render a clinical suspicion that will be investigated further in the clinical examination.
Next, during the physical examination, we will search for the most likely cause of your exact problem. The direct physical examination generally consists of combined postural, palpatory, orthopaedic or neurological testing depending on what the issue at hand is. Supplemental diagnostic tools such as musculoskeletal, vascular or transorbital ultrasonography may also be used.
Certain problems do not easily reveal when standing or lying still. Shoulder pain is, for example, one of the most common pathologies that absolutely mandate dynamic assessment and rehabilitation due to the abnormal movements in scapular movement that is generally seen in this patient group.
Once the cause of your problem has been identified, you will be given highly specific homework to ameliorate the condition. The homework generally consists of both postural and rehabilitative exercise components. Follow-up generally happens every 4-8th weeks.
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